Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Recently I have got back into the habit of reading, ever since I accquired some books off trademe. In the course of reading those fine novels and non-fictions, I came to the realisation that I have been neglecting to polish my writing skill for too long. Oh yeah, of course, certain person, going by the moniker similar to a female periodical condition might have also triggered the panic with her impressive outburst of online babbling, but let's not go into that before we lose our/my focus.

I have this terrible habit of jumping around subjects, flying from one topic to another, in a conversation, or in writing. This is especially prominent when I'm tired and had one cup coffee too much. I am trying to figure a way out of this manic state, or at least control it.

here, another 20 minutes gone.

1 comment:

The PM said...

certain person has been blogging again? how interesting.
I guess now that you're blogging here, I should add you to the links on my blog. You might get moar traffikz. ;)